To liven up the game of Bingo there are certain names that are used for every number. These names are specific to their own number and have a certain charm to them. See the full list below!

Two little ducks The numeral 22 resembles the profile of two ducks. Response is often 'quack, quack, quack'. 23 The Lord is My Shepherd The first words of Psalm 23 of the Old Testament. Thee and me: Rhymes with '(twenty) three'. 24 Two dozen 12 × 2 = 24. Refer to 12 above. 25 Duck and dive. Many of the nicknames are just words that rhyme with the number (number five – man alive) but others are more descriptive. The number 2, for example, when written out (2) is thought to look a bit like a duck. So, number 2 in bingo is called “one little duck”, and the number 22 is “two little ducks”.

Bingo callers in Bingo halls often use rhymes or other short descriptions to liven up the stream of numbers being called. These are always in the same way – nickname first, then number. For instance, “Kelly’s Eye, number 1” – “Two little ducks, 22”. Here are some of the most common nicknames…

Even if the names are charming and it would be alot of fun, online Bingo games don’t use these nicknames. Given they are already using letters or colours with the numbers it would become too long-winded.

  1. Kelly’s Eye / At the beginning
  2. One Little Duck
  3. Cup of Tea / One little flea
  4. Knock at the Door
  5. Man Alive
  6. Tom’s Tricks
  7. Lucky
  8. Garden Gate
  9. Doctors Orders
  10. Tony’s Den
  11. Legs Eleven
  12. One Dozen
  13. Unlucky for Some / Devil’s number
  14. Valentines Day
  15. Young and Keen
  16. Sweet Sixteen
  17. Dancing Queen
  18. Coming of Age
  19. Goodbye-Teens
  20. One Score
  21. Key of the Door
  22. Two Little Ducks
  23. Thee and Me / A duck & a Flea
  24. Two Dozen
  25. Duck and Dive
  26. Pick and Mix
  27. Gateway to Heaven
  28. Over Weight
  29. Rise and Shine
  30. Dirty Gertie
  31. Get up and Run
  32. Buckle my Shoe
  33. Dirty Knee
  34. Ask for More
  35. Jump and Jive
  36. Three Dozen
  37. More than Eleven / A flea in heaven
  38. Christmas Cake
  39. Steps
  40. Naughty Forty
  41. Time for Fun
  42. Winnie the Pooh
  43. Down on your Knees
  44. Droopy Drawers / Open two doors
  45. Halfway There
  1. Up to Tricks
  2. Four and Seven
  3. Four Dozen
  4. P.C.
  5. Half a Century
  6. Tweak of the Thumb
  7. Danny La Rue
  8. Stuck in the Tree
  9. Clean the Floor
  10. Snakes Alive
  11. Was she worth it
  12. Heinz Varieties
  13. Make them Wait
  14. Brighton Line
  15. Five Dozen
  16. Bakers Bun
  17. Turn on the Screw
  18. Tickle Me
  19. Red Raw
  20. Old Age Pension
  21. Clickety Click
  22. Made in Heaven
  23. Saving Grace
  24. Either Way Up / Any way up
  25. Three Score & Ten
  26. Bang on the Drum
  27. Six Dozen
  28. Queen B
  29. Candy Store
  30. Strive & Strive
  31. Trombones
  32. Sunset Strip
  33. Heavens Gate
  34. One More Time
  35. Eight & Blank
  36. Stop & Run
  37. Straight On Through
  38. Time for Tea
  39. Seven Dozen
  40. Staying Alive
  41. Between the Sticks
  42. Torquay in Devon
  43. Two Fat Ladies
  44. Nearly There
  45. Top of the Shop / Top Of The House

So, there you have it. The full list of all the names. Some are them are pretty funny and it would be nice to see them implemented into online Bingo games.

Two Little Ducks Bingo

Bingo has a fantastic lexicon with descriptive names being assigned to different numbers. Bingo lingo itself goes back many years to the popularisation of bingo in the British Isles in the 1960’s and holiday camp Butlins, in conjunction with a Professor of Popular Culture, devised new calls in 2003 to freshen up the game. Every bingo player has their favourite numbers and their favourite bingo lingo calls. Here are some bingo calls from Butlers Bingo games site. Ours are as follows:

Two little ducks bingo

Two little ducks is the bingo lingo call for the number 22. The reason for this is that the numbers have more than a passing similarity to a pair of ducks. When called the standard response from the bingo players is “Quack, Quack, Quack”

2 Little Ducks In Bingo

Bingo namesBingo names

Similar to the number 22, the bingo lingo call for 11 is based on the fact that it looks like a pair of legs. The pair of legs used is specifically a pair of chicken legs. Players can also join in the fun when legs eleven is called by wolf-whistling in response.

The number 13 is famous for being an unlucky number and, as such, this is now the number 13 received its bingo lingo name of unlucky for some.

Two Little Ducks Bingo

Number 83 gets its bingo lingo name from how it looks, with the eight meant to be the bottom and three the fart coming from it. When this is called the player reply should be “Who? Me?”. Very much one of big childish favourites in the bingo lingo lexicon.

This one is an olden one for the number 76 as before 1971 and decimalisation the price of a marriage licence in Britain was 7/6d. The players are meant to call back “Every Penny!” once this name for 76 has been called. Another name for 76 is Trombones after the song 76 Trombones from the musical The Music Man.

Stop work is the bingo lingo call for the number 65, which is a reference to the age of retirement in the UK. People often work past this age in these current times, but this call is still used by bingo callers.

Bingo lingo for number 53, here comes Herbie references the Volkswagen Beetle from the Herbie: The Love Bug movies. The car in that film had the racing number of 53 and when called players should respond with the call “Beep, Beep!”

In Bingo Add Two Little Ducks To Snakes Alive

The call for number 24 is Knock at the Door and the name for this piece of bingo lingo comes simply from rhyming slang.

Bingo lingo for the number 19 comes from the age that people stop being a teenager and become an adult.

The bingo lingo call for number ten comes from whoever is in power as the Prime Minister of England and currently resides at number ten Downing Street. As the current Prime Minister is David Cameron, the call is David’s Den and this will change when the next Prime Minister is elected.

Two Little Ducks Bingo

What are your favourite bingo lingo calls? Jump online now and play online bingo and use your favourite bingo lingo calls with your friends and family. If you don’t fancy bingo what about some backgammon?

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